Disneyland resort Paris is located 32 km east of Paris and it's very easy to get there whether you use your own car, bus, shuttle or a train. There are many things that you can do while in the resort.
One of the things that you can do is to visit the many beautiful places in the resort. Some of the best places that you can visit include:
Disneyland Park Paris: this is a theme park that has many features similar to those found in other Disney properties. For example, you will find Adventureland, Discoverland, Frontierland, and Fantasyland. To help you in getting to these places easily, there is a Disney train that runs through the "lands."
Walt Disney Studios Park: this is another theme park that was opened in 2002. One of the unique things about it is that it has "studio lots." The studio lots include: Front lot, production Courtyard, Toon studio, and Hollywood boulevard.
Disney village: this "village" is full of shops, restaurants, and other attractions. The main aim of Disney Village is to mimic Disney World's "Downtown Disney" area. Here you will find great features such as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Dinner Show, a bowling alley, and a disco.
Lake Disney: this is a man-made lake that is located at the center of the park's resort hotels.
Gold Disneyland: this is an area with both 9-hole and 18-hole golf courses. While the area is frequented by adults, there is a kids section designed for children.
Where to stay at Disneyland Paris
There are many great Disney-operated hotels that you can stay in; however, if you don't want to stay in these hotels, you can stay in one of the six non-Disney hotels. The good thing with these hotels is that they offer free shuttle rides to and from EuroDisney.
How to get best deals in Disneyland
Although, the park is great to live in, it can be expensive if you don't know how to find the best deals. One of the best ways of getting the best deals is by being careful when booking a hotel. Before you book a hotel you should ensure that the hotel offers free shuttle service. This way you won't be required to meet your transport costs.
You should also take advantage of discount tickets that are found in a number of websites. The tickets come at discounted prices thus you save a lot of money. Examples of tickets include: standard, extra special, and summer.
We are a transfer shuttle company offering the best deals in Disneyland and the entire of Paris. If you are interested in disneyland best deals you should highly consider visiting the given links.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sandra_Cornard/1933616
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8726252
Media sosial akhir-akhir ini bisa dibilang dipenuhi dengan isu-isu politik. Dukungan, pembelaan, atau “penyerangan” dari pendukung kubu yang satu pada kubu yang lain, diperlihatkan melalui unggahan-unggahan di berbagai platform media sosial. Sehingga setiap kita scrolling timeline, pasti ada saja postingan yang berbau politik.
Hal ini bagi sebagian orang adalah hal yang biasa, tapi bagi sebagian lagi justru cukup mengganggu. Karena selain membuat risih karena pertikaian kedua pendukung, hal-hal positif atau unggahan yang menghibur dan membahagiakan juga jadinya berkurang. Oleh karena itulah, ibarat oase di padang pasir, unggahan satu ini sempat bikin dunia maya adem. Perbedaan suku, agama, ras, dan status sosial yang selama ini dijadikan alat untuk menyerang rival, malah membawa kedamaian di unggahan ini.
Seorang pengguna Facebook bernama Wine Fallensky membagikan sebuah cerita tentang baby sitter atau pengasuhnya sejak 24 tahun lalu
Sebuah unggahan Facebook berhasil viral beberapa hari terakhir. Unggahan tersebut sudah dibagikan 6 ribu kali dan mendapatkan likes lebih dari 22 ribu. Seorang pengguna Facebook dengan akun bernama Wine Fallensky menceritakan tentang baby sitter atau pengasuh yang sudah menemaninya sejak kecil hingga berusia 24 tahun sampai sekarang.
Wine biasa memanggil pengasuhnya dengan panggilan Sus Yati. Wine bercerita bahwa selama 24 tahun ini, Sus Yati nggak pernah mengeluh. Beliau adalah seorang pekerja keras. Meski sudah tua dan pengen pensiun, tapi keadaan membuat Sus Yati harus tetap bekerja. Karena keluarganya di kampung membutuhkan kiriman uang.
Selain pekerja keras, menurut Wine, Sus Yati juga seorang yang sangat religius. Beliau sudah lama sekali bermimpi pergi ke tanah suci. Namun tabungannya selalu terpakai untuk kebutuhan keluarga. Oleh karena itulah Wine pengen menggunakan penghasilan pertamanya untuk memberangkatkan Sus Yati ke tanah suci.
Disneyland resort Paris is located 32 km east of Paris and it's very easy to get there whether you use your own car, bus, shuttle or a train. There are many things that you can do while in the resort.
One of the things that you can do is to visit the many beautiful places in the resort. Some of the best places that you can visit include:
Disneyland Park Paris: this is a theme park that has many features similar to those found in other Disney properties. For example, you will find Adventureland, Discoverland, Frontierland, and Fantasyland. To help you in getting to these places easily, there is a Disney train that runs through the "lands."
Walt Disney Studios Park: this is another theme park that was opened in 2002. One of the unique things about it is that it has "studio lots." The studio lots include: Front lot, production Courtyard, Toon studio, and Hollywood boulevard.
Disney village: this "village" is full of shops, restaurants, and other attractions. The main aim of Disney Village is to mimic Disney World's "Downtown Disney" area. Here you will find great features such as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Dinner Show, a bowling alley, and a disco.
Lake Disney: this is a man-made lake that is located at the center of the park's resort hotels.
Gold Disneyland: this is an area with both 9-hole and 18-hole golf courses. While the area is frequented by adults, there is a kids section designed for children.
Where to stay at Disneyland Paris
There are many great Disney-operated hotels that you can stay in; however, if you don't want to stay in these hotels, you can stay in one of the six non-Disney hotels. The good thing with these hotels is that they offer free shuttle rides to and from EuroDisney.
How to get best deals in Disneyland
Although, the park is great to live in, it can be expensive if you don't know how to find the best deals. One of the best ways of getting the best deals is by being careful when booking a hotel. Before you book a hotel you should ensure that the hotel offers free shuttle service. This way you won't be required to meet your transport costs.
You should also take advantage of discount tickets that are found in a number of websites. The tickets come at discounted prices thus you save a lot of money. Examples of tickets include: standard, extra special, and summer.
We are a transfer shuttle company offering the best deals in Disneyland and the entire of Paris. If you are interested in disneyland best deals you should highly consider visiting the given links.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sandra_Cornard/1933616
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8726252
Meski awalnya sempat nggak percaya, tapi keinginan Sus Yati berangkat umrah terlaksana berkat dibiayai oleh anak yang dia asuh sejak kecil
Awalnya, Sus Yati hanya tertawa mendengar keinginan Wine untuk memberangkatkannya umrah karena mengira Wine bercanda. Namun setelah seminggu diingatkan oleh Wine, akhirnya Sus Yati percaya. Dia pun mulai mencari travel untuk pergi umrah. Wine langsung mengambil paket yang paling lengkap agar di sana beliau nggak terlalu capek, lokasi hotel dekat, dan banyak fasilitas.
Selain itu, Wine sengaja mengambil paket lengkap karena kesal dengan tetangga yang nyinyir karena Sus Yati mendapatkan kesempatan beribadah di tanah suci. Mimpinya menjadi kenyataan, Sus Yati memeluk Wine dengan mata yang berkaca-kaca. Dia bahkan berjanji akan mendoakan Wine dan keluarganya di tanah suci nanti agar mendapat rezeki yang berlimpah.
Wine juga mengingatkan bahwa jangan pernah meremehkan profesi. Karena jika dilakukan dengan tulus, ikhlas, dan setia, pasti akan membawa kebahagiaan dan berkah. Mungkin Sus Yati nggak pernah terpikirkan kalau ternyata rezekinya berangkat ke tanah suci datang dari anak yang dirawatnya sejak kecil. Apalagi dengan keyakinan yang berbeda, mungkin Sus Yati atau yang lain juga nggak akan membayangkan kalau ibadahnya difasilitasi oleh seseorang yang berbeda agama.
Cerita ini pun mendapatkan apresiasi dari warganet. Apalagi dengan pesan yang disematkan, sangat pas dengan realitas media sosial saat ini
Apa yang dilakukan oleh Wine ini tentu mendapatkan apresiasi dari warganet lain. Dia nggak cuma menunjukkan bagaimana penghargaan terhadap pengasuhnya dan menghilangkan status sosial, serta bagaimana indah dan damainya perbedaan. Ya, meski memiliki keyakinan yang berbeda, Wine tetap menghormati Sus Yati sebagai seorang muslim yang taat, bahkan memfasilitasi mimpinya untuk bisa beribadah ke tanah suci. Dalam komentar-komentar yang ditulis warganet, latar belakang agama apa pun sama-sama memuji apa yang dilakukan Wine. Mereka juga mendoakan agar semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan Wine terhadap Sus Yati ini.
Unggahan-unggahan seperti ini memang wajar untuk diviralkan. Apalagi di media sosial yang saat ini penuh dengan “pertikaian”. Apa pun dijadikan senjata untuk melawan satu sama lain. Nggak peduli itu status sosial hingga agama, semuanya kerap kali jadi tameng untuk melawan dan memukul mundur rival. Unggahan yang menunjukkan bagaimana indahnya perbedaan ini setidaknya jadi bukti bahwa masih banyak di luar sana yang bisa hidup berdampingan secara damai bahkan saling membantu satu sama lain. 🙂
Disneyland resort Paris is located 32 km east of Paris and it's very easy to get there whether you use your own car, bus, shuttle or a train. There are many things that you can do while in the resort.
One of the things that you can do is to visit the many beautiful places in the resort. Some of the best places that you can visit include:
Disneyland Park Paris: this is a theme park that has many features similar to those found in other Disney properties. For example, you will find Adventureland, Discoverland, Frontierland, and Fantasyland. To help you in getting to these places easily, there is a Disney train that runs through the "lands."
Walt Disney Studios Park: this is another theme park that was opened in 2002. One of the unique things about it is that it has "studio lots." The studio lots include: Front lot, production Courtyard, Toon studio, and Hollywood boulevard.
Disney village: this "village" is full of shops, restaurants, and other attractions. The main aim of Disney Village is to mimic Disney World's "Downtown Disney" area. Here you will find great features such as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Dinner Show, a bowling alley, and a disco.
Lake Disney: this is a man-made lake that is located at the center of the park's resort hotels.
Gold Disneyland: this is an area with both 9-hole and 18-hole golf courses. While the area is frequented by adults, there is a kids section designed for children.
Where to stay at Disneyland Paris
There are many great Disney-operated hotels that you can stay in; however, if you don't want to stay in these hotels, you can stay in one of the six non-Disney hotels. The good thing with these hotels is that they offer free shuttle rides to and from EuroDisney.
How to get best deals in Disneyland
Although, the park is great to live in, it can be expensive if you don't know how to find the best deals. One of the best ways of getting the best deals is by being careful when booking a hotel. Before you book a hotel you should ensure that the hotel offers free shuttle service. This way you won't be required to meet your transport costs.
You should also take advantage of discount tickets that are found in a number of websites. The tickets come at discounted prices thus you save a lot of money. Examples of tickets include: standard, extra special, and summer.
We are a transfer shuttle company offering the best deals in Disneyland and the entire of Paris. If you are interested in disneyland best deals you should highly consider visiting the given links.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sandra_Cornard/1933616
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8726252
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