Rasanya Berjuang Mencukupi Kebutuhan dengan Gaji Pas-pasan, Sementara yang Lain Sibuk Hamburkan Uang

A Paris holiday is a delightful way of escaping the stress and pressures brought about our jobs and other activities. Especially if you get to experience the luxurious accommodations offered by Paris Hotels, you will surely get the relaxation you are looking for plus the fact that you were also able to enjoy the sights offered by this magnificent city. Paris, as one of the most popular hotel destinations in the world attracts millions of tourists all year round not only to enjoy the sights, but most tourists flock to Paris to taste the luxury and comfort offered by Paris hotels in different levels. Luxurious hotels in Paris are the next best thing you have to experience while you are in the city. With a quality service, excellent amenities and fantastic facilities, this is the most convenient way of savoring the classic way of Parisian living where comfort and luxury meets in between. A stay at Regina in Paris is a guarantee for a comfortable living and this is one of the reasons why visitors keep on coming back to this hotel to experience yet again their quality service and first class accommodation. The city of Paris is well known for its elegance and luxurious living that is why most of its hotel characterizes this quality by integrating in their hotels the best and paramount designs in room accommodations while providing the best service for various customers from different parts of the world. With the Regina Hotel in Paris, every room is fashionably decorated taking into consideration the subtle taste for refinement most customers wanted in their rooms. With top notch facilities and efficient service provided by the hotel staffs, Regina Hotel in Paris is one of the most liked hotels in the city. With fine woodwork and a warm lighting, the Regina Hotel in Paris radiates a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere conducive for relaxation. With 30 suites and 90 rooms, this hotel is the best place to experience comfort and elegance while enjoying the excitement and thrill Paris can bring to anyone who chose to visit the city. Once you enter their revolving door, you will surely be captivated with the perfect fusion of extreme designs that reflects classiness in a very elegant environment. Its classical designs carefully mask modern conveniences which allow visitors the chance to experience the classical Paris in modern times. Facilities and services at the Regina Hotel in Paris include babysitting services, currency exchange, spacious lounge, ample parking space for every visitors, high speed wi fi access, secretarial service, valet services, laundry and dry cleaning, Concierge desk, and 24 hour reception service. Every room are air conditioned with its own mini bar, telephone, safety deposit box, cabled television, and radio. Each room is also fitted with smoke detectors as a part of their safety measures strictly implemented by the management. Whatever your reasons for visiting the wonderful city of Paris, the Regina Hotel in Paris will always be around to provide the comfort you need with all its luxury and style to make your stay in the city a memory to cherish. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. You can visit his website and learn more about Paris vacations as well as the Regina Hotel in Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/hotel-regina-paris/]. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3813038
Ketika masih di taman kanak-kanak dulu, tahunya setelah lulus ya melanjutkan ke sekolah dasar. Setelah dari sekolah dasar, ingin segera naik ke tingkat SMP. Ketika melihat sepertinya masa-masa SMA sangat indah (katanya), ingin segera masuk SMA. Setelah SMA ingin kuliah ke perguruan tinggi yang diinginkan. Setelah kuliah, bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang gajinya besar. Sepertinya keinginan itu sangat mudah untuk dibayangkan.
Tapi kenyataan tidak bisa melanjutkan kuliah setelah dari SMA, sempat membuat saya merasa iri sekan tak ada masa depan untuk saya.
Berbeda dengan teman-teman saya yang lain. Mereka bisa melanjutkan sekolah mereka, tanpa harus pusing bagaimana untuk membiayai kuliah mereka. Tapi saya tahu tidak semua sih. Ada juga dari teman-teman saya yang kuliah, juga mereka bekerja. Dan saya tahu itu juga tidak mudah bagi mereka. Karena mereka harus bisa membagi waktu dan juga uang mereka. Antara bekerja juga menuntut ilmu pastinya.
Sebagai manusia, memang pada dasarnya selalu ingin dipenuhi segala keinginannya. Demikian dengan saya pribadi. Setelah lulus SMA 5 tahun yang lalu kalau ditanya, apakah saya masih ingin kuliah? Jawaban saya pasti "Iya." Karena bagi saya sampai kapanpun tidak ada kata terlambat untuk belajar.
A Paris holiday is a delightful way of escaping the stress and pressures brought about our jobs and other activities. Especially if you get to experience the luxurious accommodations offered by Paris Hotels, you will surely get the relaxation you are looking for plus the fact that you were also able to enjoy the sights offered by this magnificent city. Paris, as one of the most popular hotel destinations in the world attracts millions of tourists all year round not only to enjoy the sights, but most tourists flock to Paris to taste the luxury and comfort offered by Paris hotels in different levels. Luxurious hotels in Paris are the next best thing you have to experience while you are in the city. With a quality service, excellent amenities and fantastic facilities, this is the most convenient way of savoring the classic way of Parisian living where comfort and luxury meets in between. A stay at Regina in Paris is a guarantee for a comfortable living and this is one of the reasons why visitors keep on coming back to this hotel to experience yet again their quality service and first class accommodation. The city of Paris is well known for its elegance and luxurious living that is why most of its hotel characterizes this quality by integrating in their hotels the best and paramount designs in room accommodations while providing the best service for various customers from different parts of the world. With the Regina Hotel in Paris, every room is fashionably decorated taking into consideration the subtle taste for refinement most customers wanted in their rooms. With top notch facilities and efficient service provided by the hotel staffs, Regina Hotel in Paris is one of the most liked hotels in the city. With fine woodwork and a warm lighting, the Regina Hotel in Paris radiates a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere conducive for relaxation. With 30 suites and 90 rooms, this hotel is the best place to experience comfort and elegance while enjoying the excitement and thrill Paris can bring to anyone who chose to visit the city. Once you enter their revolving door, you will surely be captivated with the perfect fusion of extreme designs that reflects classiness in a very elegant environment. Its classical designs carefully mask modern conveniences which allow visitors the chance to experience the classical Paris in modern times. Facilities and services at the Regina Hotel in Paris include babysitting services, currency exchange, spacious lounge, ample parking space for every visitors, high speed wi fi access, secretarial service, valet services, laundry and dry cleaning, Concierge desk, and 24 hour reception service. Every room are air conditioned with its own mini bar, telephone, safety deposit box, cabled television, and radio. Each room is also fitted with smoke detectors as a part of their safety measures strictly implemented by the management. Whatever your reasons for visiting the wonderful city of Paris, the Regina Hotel in Paris will always be around to provide the comfort you need with all its luxury and style to make your stay in the city a memory to cherish. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. You can visit his website and learn more about Paris vacations as well as the Regina Hotel in Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/hotel-regina-paris/]. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3813038
Tapi saya tidak bisa bahkan tidak boleh egois dengan keinginan saya yang satu ini. Bukan berarti saya tidak percaya dengan kehendak Tuhan yang bisa saja mungkin 2 tahun atau beberapa tahun lagi saya bisa kuliah. Tapi ini lebih kepada kebutuhan keluarga, yang mengharuskan saya bisa lebih dewasa dalam menyikapi kehidupan. Bukan keinginan semata tapi kebutuhan.

Kenyataan bahwa dengan bertambahnya usia saya, otomatis usia orangtua saya juga bertambah. Kesehatan juga mulai terganggu tidak seperti waktu muda. Bahkan saat sakit melanda salah satu atau bahkan kedua orangtua saya, membuat saya tidak tahu akan seperti apa saya nantinya tanpa mereka.
Keputusan saya untuk akhirnya bekerja, membuat saya lambat laun tak terlalu pusing lagi memikirkan soal kuliah. Yang saya pikirkan sekarang adalah bagaimana saya bisa membantu orangtua saya. Dalam hal ini adalah dengan saya bekerja.
Saya sadar gaji yang saya dapatkan tiap bulannya, tidak akan bisa menggantikan setiap tetes air susu bahkan peluh dari orangtua saya. Tapi disini saya sadar akan kewajiban saya, setidaknya saya bisa sedikit meringankan beban mereka.
Terkadang bila tidak sengaja mengetahui perbincangan ayah serta ibu saya mengenai keuangan keluarga yang sedang dalam masalah, saya merasa seperti tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk membantu mereka? Bahkan ketika mengetahui sampai berhutang kepada tetangga atau saudara. Itu membuat saya berpikir keras dengan cara apa saya bisa membuat mereka jangan sampai berhutang pula.
Untuk itupun sejak dari kecil pula saya sudah diajarkan bagaimana hidup mandiri. Bahkan untuk membeli peralatan sekolah harus dari uang tabungan sendiri. Jadi tidak akan kaget jika terjadi sesuatu dengan keuangan yang masih belajar untuk saya kelola, saat sudah bekerja seperti ini.
Saat ini saya bekerja pun bisa dibilang tidak cukup untuk kebutuhan sendiri. Tapi saya harus berjuang bagaimana bisa memutar uang untuk kebutuhan keuarga saya. Jujur saja upah saya memang masih dibawah UMR, tapi disini saya harus memutar otak bagaimana bisa untuk kebutuhan saya, juga untuk membantu keuangan keluarga. Apalagi sekarang ibu saya belum bisa bekerja, karena tempat beliau bekerja harus tutup sementara, tanpa tahu kapan akan dibuka.
Melihat teman-teman saya yang bisa jalan-jalan, makan enak di restoran mahal, terkadang membuat saya iri kepada mereka. Enak ya mereka bisa makan, tertawa, menghabiskan uang tanpa khawatir besok makan apa. Sedangkan saya sendiri disini berjuang bagaimana bisa memutar uang untuk kebutuhan juga keluarga. Jadi tidak bisa enak-enakan begitu saja.
Bahkan ketika godaan membeli keinginan itu datang, pikiran ini otomatis tertuju pada orangtua. Bagaimana seharusnya uang ini untuk membantu meringankan beban mereka. Bukan untuk bersenang-senang semata. Tanpa tujuan dan manfaatnya.
Sebenarnya orangtua saya sendiri tidak pernah meminta saya untuk mengorbankan gaji saya untuk membantu mereka. Tapi saya sadar bahwa ketika saya tahu bagaimana susahnya mencari rupiah, saya tidak ingin sekali-kali membuatnya terbuang percuma.
.Apalagi saya sadar orangtua saya dalam bekerja karena usia dan keadaan juga tidak bisa selalu lancar dalam pekerjaannya. Maka dari itu, sebisa mungkin saya tetap akan berusaha membantu mereka sesuai dengan kemampuan saya. Mencari pekerjaan sampingan lain dengan membuat karya lukis juga.
Apapun pekerjaan dan seberapapun gaji kalian sekarang ini, orangtua kalian tetap bangga kawan. Belajarlah menghargai kerja kerasmu sendiri. Jangan sedih jika saat ini kalian tidak bisa bersenang-senang layaknya mereka diluar sana. Tapi belajarlah cukupkanlah dirimu untuk hari ini. Biarlah Tuhan yang menambahkan nikmat-Nya sekalipun dalam lelah dan peluhmu saat ini.
A Paris holiday is a delightful way of escaping the stress and pressures brought about our jobs and other activities. Especially if you get to experience the luxurious accommodations offered by Paris Hotels, you will surely get the relaxation you are looking for plus the fact that you were also able to enjoy the sights offered by this magnificent city. Paris, as one of the most popular hotel destinations in the world attracts millions of tourists all year round not only to enjoy the sights, but most tourists flock to Paris to taste the luxury and comfort offered by Paris hotels in different levels. Luxurious hotels in Paris are the next best thing you have to experience while you are in the city. With a quality service, excellent amenities and fantastic facilities, this is the most convenient way of savoring the classic way of Parisian living where comfort and luxury meets in between. A stay at Regina in Paris is a guarantee for a comfortable living and this is one of the reasons why visitors keep on coming back to this hotel to experience yet again their quality service and first class accommodation. The city of Paris is well known for its elegance and luxurious living that is why most of its hotel characterizes this quality by integrating in their hotels the best and paramount designs in room accommodations while providing the best service for various customers from different parts of the world. With the Regina Hotel in Paris, every room is fashionably decorated taking into consideration the subtle taste for refinement most customers wanted in their rooms. With top notch facilities and efficient service provided by the hotel staffs, Regina Hotel in Paris is one of the most liked hotels in the city. With fine woodwork and a warm lighting, the Regina Hotel in Paris radiates a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere conducive for relaxation. With 30 suites and 90 rooms, this hotel is the best place to experience comfort and elegance while enjoying the excitement and thrill Paris can bring to anyone who chose to visit the city. Once you enter their revolving door, you will surely be captivated with the perfect fusion of extreme designs that reflects classiness in a very elegant environment. Its classical designs carefully mask modern conveniences which allow visitors the chance to experience the classical Paris in modern times. Facilities and services at the Regina Hotel in Paris include babysitting services, currency exchange, spacious lounge, ample parking space for every visitors, high speed wi fi access, secretarial service, valet services, laundry and dry cleaning, Concierge desk, and 24 hour reception service. Every room are air conditioned with its own mini bar, telephone, safety deposit box, cabled television, and radio. Each room is also fitted with smoke detectors as a part of their safety measures strictly implemented by the management. Whatever your reasons for visiting the wonderful city of Paris, the Regina Hotel in Paris will always be around to provide the comfort you need with all its luxury and style to make your stay in the city a memory to cherish. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. You can visit his website and learn more about Paris vacations as well as the Regina Hotel in Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/hotel-regina-paris/]. Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3813038

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